We offer a 30 day money back guarantee. You may return any item for a refund or exchange if you are unsatisfied with your purchase for any reason within 30 days of purchase. All returns must have the original tag intact and must be returned in the original gift box.
In order to return or exchange an item please fill out the contact form below with your order number and return/exchange request to obtain a Return Authorization Number and the Return/Exchange Instructions prior to sending your return.
Please send your return via any traceable method and be sure to insure the package for the amount you paid for the item(s). We cannot be held responsible for returns that are not received or returns that are received damaged.
Excessive returns of 3 or more items per order may be subject to a restocking fee for the extra materials, shipping cost and time required to process these orders and returns. Any item returned that is not in its original condition and without a tag will not be accepted unless a return authorization for shipping damage or a defective item has been granted prior to sending the return.
We make every effort to inspect all items before shipping, however, if your item has arrived damaged or defective; please let us know right away.
We cannot be responsible for damage caused by misuse or mistreatment of jewelry. Jewelry is delicate and should be treated as such.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your return or exchange, please feel free to send us an email at support@peora.com.
Return/Exchange Request Form: